LIT2T Leadership Guide

43 TO: TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.11 Printers Printers often require attention at the most inopportune times for an instructor. Issues are usually a lack of toner, a lack of paper, a paper jam or a looping print job. A set of instructions available at the printer with step-by-step instructions to resolve any of these problems can prevent panic and a degraded learning experience. Computer room supplies should be easy to access. 8.12 Server Servers may be situated in remote locations at a board office, in a service provider’s location, or even in the same room as the learner computers. Technical staff or contractors often maintain servers. It is recommended that IT professionals care for your server. Instructors can assist by keeping their class folders on the servers organized and current. 8.13 Internet safety In any educational situation using the Internet, there are the issues of inappropriate content and contact. Learners, instructors and staff at language training centres should be instructed on the dangers of the World Wide Web. Inquire at your central administration about the Internet Safety policy for your organization. Additional information can be found easily on the Internet. Sites such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s, “Internet Safety Resources”, http://www.rcmp- grc. can provide more information if required. Using learning management systems such as can prevent access to unacceptable sites by controlling the links within the course. While inside the LMS environment, learners do not have easy access to persons outside of the learning environment. Another Internet safety measure is to advise the instructors to use approved education websites like TeacherTube, which vets all of its videos for educational appropriateness. General video sites occasionally yield inappropriate results (which might offend some learners). Your centre can have its own Internet safety discussion and publish its own list of approved sites in the computer room. Operating a computer room can be a complex balancing act, requiring a knowledge of the hardware, software and online resources, and policies that create optimal conditions for learning and teaching. Having an E-learning or CALL specialist as well as your technical support will provide the best possible situation.