LIT2T Leadership Guide

2 TO: TABLE OF CONTENTS At the core of our digital resources are the LINC learning objects, which are fashioned using the industry standard SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model). These learning objects can be dropped into any mainstream learning management system now or in the future, and are likely to be relevant and sustainable for many years to come. In addition to being integrated into our courseware at, individual learning objects are available at, IRCC’s national instructor repository. The original LINC learning objects have been converted into mobile and tablet friendly content. Note in the following illustration the relationship between the elements in the LearnIT2teach Project. How does your centre measure up? An Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Health Check is similar to a medical health check; just as a proactive “once over” on regular intervals may prevent potential illness in the future, we suggest that you use the ICT Health Check provided in Appendix A12 to locate your centre’s ICT strengths and weaknesses in terms of how effectively it can support technology- enhance language learning. 1.1 What’s In This Manual This is a brief description of the sections of this manual, which can be used as separate help modules as required. INTRODUCTION, introduces the content and structure of this manual. LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, contains an introduction to LMS systems, particularly the LMS Moodle. It also describes the administrative and instructional benefits of using an LMS at a settlement language training centre. THE LEARNIT2TEACH PROJECT, provides a summary of this project. This section provides administrators with snapshots of the project as a whole and each of its parts. LINC COURSEWARE, details the features of the courseware, its integration in the LINC structure, its benefits for teaching and learning and how it support portfolio-based language assessment (PBLA). PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING OPTIONS, explains the LearnIT2teach training scheme in detail, discusses the challenges of instructor training for blended learning, and introduces alternative forms of instructor training for digital teaching as possible options. TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS IN EDUCATION, provides an overview of the ISTE, TESOL and the UNESCO international technology standards for digital education as well as a set of essential conditions that administrators and instructors should establish to ensure that digital learning is effective. CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION, is a result of the feedback from our ongoing surveying of language program administrators. This section focuses on issues that administrators and programs can address to support a learning environment conducive to enhanced learning and teaching. TELL/LINC PROJECT MANAGEMENT, is a series of documents that can be used from the first steps for involving your centre with the LearnIT2teach Project’s training and resources to the maintenance of the projects elements in your centre. LearnIT2Teach Project LearnIT2Teach Training LINC Courseware Leadership training SCORM Learning Objects Stages 1-4 FIGURE 1 The LearnIT2Teach Project