LIT2T Leadership Guide

16 TO: TABLE OF CONTENTS an ongoing basis during the project, PAR has been used for vetting the data analysis and building consensus on how to interpret the data gathered from the LearnIT2teach professional development training workshop participants. Given the progress of so many instructors through the training and the consequent uptake of the courseware, the evaluation has been taking a deeper and deeper look at the impacts on teaching and learning and newcomer integration. Over the course of the entire project, data is being gathered using several sources: • At the end of each completed training stage, participants are invited to complete an anonymous and confidential online survey. We use this data to gather feedback about their satisfaction with the delivery format and content of the training, information their use of technology resources and barriers to access these, and their interest in further activities. • Additionally, in follow-up interviews with survey respondents and specifically selected individual teachers, we gather feedback about barriers and challenges in participating and completing this sort of training and using Edulinc courseware in program delivery, to help us develop appropriate supports for instructors to successfully complete the training and ensure that the training will positively impact their practice. • From time to time, we also engage in specific research and data collection activities to inform the project and its stakeholders about the state of the field. For example, we designed lessons for teachers to introduce students to common terminology in online language learning and ask them about their use of technology and their learning preferences. • On an ongoing basis, usage statistics are available through the participants’ use of the Moodle Learning Management System. We use this data for anonymous analysis of users’ interests and preferences in terms of the online tools and resources provided. Participatory Action Research (PAR) puts results and observations into writing for all to think about, asks everyone involved with the project to reflect and comment on what is happening, then uses the results of the group’s thinking to come up with any needed changes in what the project is doing, or how it is doing it. The cycle repeats throughout the project. The LearnIT2teach Project chosen because a PAR evaluation emphasizes capturing and thinking about processes and results, and making timely changes based on that thinking. It is also very inclusive: everyone involved is invited to participate in the process. Some evaluation models mainly emphasize results (summative models), or focus on processes (formative models). PAR evaluations are balanced, involving everyone working on the project, throughout the project. The result is constant discussion (and sometimes even debate), and changes made sooner rather than later. The project evaluators prepare occasional reports for the project team after significant events or important milestones in the project. Guskey’s Model of Evaluation of Professional Development is based on the Levels of Learning Evaluation by Kirkpatrick. This model of assessment maps the extent to which participants are involved with the learning content and are seen to benefit from the training experience, including • Participants’ reaction to the professional development (honouring the learning experience and stimulating others to explore as well) • Success indicators of participant learning • Indicators of organizational support and change (context and the impact of PD experiences) • The degree to which participants put new learning into daily practice • Participants’ self-perceived outcomes of the learning experience In the end, project reports are regularly prepared incorporating a Guskey analysis.