LIT2T Leadership Guide

32 TO: TABLE OF CONTENTS TESOL Technology Standards (in print but behind a paywall) ItemDetail?iProductCode=721&Category=STANDARDS The focus of the TESOL Technology Standards is the application of technology by English as a Second or Foreign Language instructors, instructor trainers and administrators in educational settings. These standards were developed to be appropriate for English language learning teachers and learners independent of geography or proficiency. They are an extension of the ’s National Educational Technology Standards Project. 6.1 Essential Conditions for Leveraging Technology for Blended Learning Based on careful consideration of the above standards, our team proposes eight essential conditions for language training program administrators to consider as they move ahead with implementing blended learning in their centres. 1. Shared Vision Administrators should promote the development of a shared vision of technology integration for their centre, which encompasses all stakeholders: instructors, learners, administrators and funding agents. 2. Equitable Access All instructors and learners must have equal access to appropriate current software, networks, hardware and Internet resources, including access through their personal devices, in a central computer lab or single workstations in the classrooms. Access also includes scheduling: both open access periods and scheduled class sessions in a computer lab are important considerations. 3. Ongoing Professional Development Ongoing professional development and training is a crucial ingredient in creating a successful transformation in education. Educators’ skills can be advanced through face-to- face workshops, manuals, just-in-time learning, online mentorships and an ongoing training scheme that allows them to grow and learn along with their peers and their learners. 4. Technical Support Developing support for education technology may be a challenge to administrators during periods of cutbacks. However, timely technical support is important for the stability of the teaching-learning environment and for maintaining a quality blended learning language training program at a centre. Sound administration and planning are required to support the use of learning technologies, including the maintenance of software, hardware and networking. 5. Learning Communities Establishing and promoting learning communities within the settlement language community empowers instructors and their learners to discover, master and improve blended learning opportunities. Strong communities can develop through social media and face-to-face workshops. Check out to learn more about the potential of communities of practice in education.